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How would you define courage?

What is courage? Or maybe more accurately, what isn’t courage? This word or feeling is so hard to define because it has a different meaning for everyone. Its something that varies depending on your particular circumstance, or a different instant of time. Regardless of how we define courage and why, we all have those moments where we need summon that inner strength and be brave.

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We’ve recently partnered with the creator of Courage Brand, an amazing initiative that goes to support cancer research in Ottawa. From the beautifully minimal bracelet itself, to the packaging and printing, Courage bracelets are handmade and made entirely of donated materials, so literally 100% of each bracelet sale goes to support the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.

Regardless of the way that we’ve been touched by cancer, whether its a loved one, someone that we know, or are individuals battling the disease, facing each day head on and with courage is a common denominator. Why courage? Courage to watch your loved one, courage to be supportive, courage to confront fear, to hope, to be strong, and courage to smile even in the face of uncertainty.

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Courage bracelets also serve as a reminder for us to be brave in our day to day lives. Maybe to step outside of your comfort zone, to be optimistic about the future, to tackle new projects, or seek happiness. Whatever it is, courage is something that we can all be reminded to keep.

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You can find Courage bracelets here:

Twitter: @CourageBrand
Facebook: Courage



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