• Blog

    Time to shake up your closet with The Closet Collective

    Shopping for charity — who would’ve thought that these two words could be placed beside each other! Well, the Ottawa school of Art and our good friend Carolynn Lacasse of J’adore This are bringing the second annual The Closet Collective event to Ottawa on Friday, November 20th, you can help support local non-profits by shopping your way through a curated closet sale. Yes, ladies and gents, you absolutely heard that right. The most fashionable men and women in the city are parting with some of their gently loved pieces, to bring a unique and chic fundraising experience to the city. The OSA will be transformed into a cozy boutique and…

  • Blog

    Spring weather in November? We’ll take it.

    These past two weeks have definitely been a trial of adult-ing. As much as we wish we had the luxury of being full-time bloggers, as you know, the two of us of wear many different hats. Between CJ typically donning the full business attire (which I have to say, I never grow tired of a man in a suit), and me switching from scrubs to “school clothes”, we just haven’t found time to take OOTD snaps. A few days ago, I was finally offered an interview for vet school! What was sheer excitement and disbelief for the first hour, quickly morphed into cold sweats and a feeling of panic. “I…