• Blog

    What’s next for ourMode

    It’s kind of hard to believe, but it’s been three years. Has time ever flown, and wow, have things ever changed and evolved. Three years ago when ourMode was just a concept, we thought a blog would be a fun way of expressing ourselves and doing something unique as a couple. What started off with taking photos on our iPhones, quickly evolved into something we loved doing, and just as quickly, evolved into the realization that it was also a lot of hard work. But nonetheless… countless hours later of shooting and editing; many late nights and early mornings; admittedly lots of tears and arguments; but many more smiles and…

  • spring fashion, pink dress, ottawa, violet and flora dress,
    Blog,  Sponsored

    Channelling my inner Carrie Bradshaw

    While I haven’t seen the telltale signs of spring in Ottawa yet, like the open patios in the Byward, and fresh produce at the farmers market, there’s one thing that tells me spring has surely arrived — the blooming of spring dresses and bold colours. You can stop holding your breath, its time to give the blacks and greys a well-deserved break. ‘Cause ladies, the season of bare legs and stilettos is finally upon us! Though I always have fun when we shoot, this time was different. This fun, hot pink number emanated something fun and playful. When we were brainstorming concepts and locations for our Violet & Flora collaboration,…