Spring weather in November? We’ll take it.
These past two weeks have definitely been a trial of adult-ing. As much as we wish we had the luxury of being full-time bloggers, as you know, the two of us of wear many different hats. Between CJ typically donning the full business attire (which I have to say, I never grow tired of a man in a suit), and me switching from scrubs to “school clothes”, we just haven’t found time to take OOTD snaps.
A few days ago, I was finally offered an interview for vet school! What was sheer excitement and disbelief for the first hour, quickly morphed into cold sweats and a feeling of panic. “I have one week to prepare. I am flying out to LA next week. This interview could change my life.”
Gosh… even typing that gave me heart palpitations. So I have personally spent this week figuring out who can take my clinical shifts, getting my suit tailored, practicing interview questions on my Macbook’s Photo Booth App (talk about awkward.), and still keeping up with all the other things I have laden my overfull plate with.
On CJ’s end, I cannot believe how busy this man has been! With a makeshift breakfast sandwich I made for him in hand, he’s been out the door at 8am, and back home long after dinnertime after a series of meetings. The past few weeks have consisted of busy and long days, but have been incredibly fruitful. Even after five scheduled meetings and hopping around the city, he still comes home smiling and radiating a positive energy.
Because we have been so busy, I thought I should give a bit of an idea where our heads are at right now. Our next few outfit posts may be a bit shorter, but we both can’t wait to update you on our adventures in the next few weeks! So stay tuned.
Anyway, onto the reason why you came here — our outfits! Ottawa has been in that weird transitory period between summer and winter. It’s not quite parka weather yet, but it’s too cold for a light overcoat. And don’t even get us started on the footwear! No one wants to ruin their good pair of suede boots in the cold fall rain, but it’s too cold to wear flats or loafers. What is an Ottawa blogger to do?
We’ve recently become experts at layering. In our fall wear roster, we have pea coats and knit sweaters, long sleeve tees for underneath, and scarves that have proven to be a fashion Godsend. Growing up in Toronto, investing in these pieces weren’t that much of a necessity, as winters are milder and there’s not as much snow. But after living in Ottawa for 3 years on my end, and 7 years on CJ’s, dare I say that we have mastered the art of adaptability?

what he’s wearing | Thrifted blazer | Levi’s denim | ALDO boots